Game Description Skate through the large and imaginative worlds of Walt Disney Pictures' presentation of Pixar Animation Studios' "Toy Story 2," "Disney's Tarzan" and "Disney's The Lion King" along with the most memorable characters from each film. Using cutting-edge technology from Activision's Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 game engine, Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure lets you perform fun and unique skating tricks as their favorite characters, "Extreme Skate Crew" member or unique Create-A-Skater creation. You'll be able to skate through real world locales as well as be magically transported to environments from the films where you can use bamboo rafts, frying pans and hover-boards, solving puzzles as you go. No matter what you call them Xboxcheats includes many Disney Extreme Skate Adventure cheats, Extreme Skate cheats, extreme skate codes, codes for extreme skate, cheats for extreme skate and disney extreme skate cheats. |